St. Andrews Montessori’s Primary Program:
Ignite Curiosity
and Growth
Primary Curriculum
Guided by our dedicated faculty, children embrace experiential learning, fostering academic excellence, creativity, and character development. Through thoughtfully crafted materials and integrated study, your child’s innate curiosity flourishes, cultivating skills in math, reading, handwriting, geography, science, culture, sensory development, arts, and life skills. Our primary classes offer the perfect blend of vibrant social interactions and personalized attention, ensuring each child’s academic growth. With a maximum class size of 20 children, facilitated by one Teacher and two Assistant, our focus remains on nurturing every child’s potential.
Discover a world of boundless possibilities within St. Andrews Montessori’s Primary Curriculum, designed for children aged three to six. Nestled in a serene, sunlit environment, our primary classrooms lay the foundation for a lifelong journey of learning.
Practical Life Curriculum
Unlock your child's potential with our Practical Life Curriculum—a cornerstone for concentration, coordination, independence, and self-control. These traits play a pivotal role in intellectual growth and responsible social interaction. Logical sequence, attention to detail, exactness, and purposeful activity cultivate an aptitude for logic, mathematics, science, and composition. The children receive satisfaction from mastery of each daily skill and become confident in their own ability to learn and contribute.
Care of Self
Examples include dressing frames and polishing shoes.
Care of Others
Examples include food preparation and assisting a classmate.
Care of Environment
Examples include watering plants, polishing silver, and sweeping.
Grace & Courtesy
Examples include inviting a friend to have a snack, declining an invitation, and borrowing an item.
Sensorial Curriculum
The Sensorial materials are designed to isolate and categorize qualities of the environment perceived through the senses. Aristotle said "There is nothing in the intellect that was not first in the senses." The senses firmly connect us to our environment, therefore Primary age children master any concept that the hand can.
The Primary curriculum is a multi-sensor approach to learning. The refinement of sensory perception lays a physical and mental foundation for further learning based on reason and judgment.
Botany cabinet of leaf shapes | Bells | Geometry cabinet of plane shapes | Color matching and grading materials | Pink Tower, Brown Stair, and Red Rods, varying in three, two, and one dimension, respectively.

Physical Education Curriculum
Movement is basic to learning and includes recess daily for students of all levels. The aim is to promote the idea of a healthy body, enabling students to develop their fitness, physical, and body awareness. We aspire to develop a spirit of sportsmanship and enjoyment of all physical activity.
Language Curriculum
The Language Curriculum encompasses the whole classroom. While all areas of study are integrated, St. Andrews classrooms are language-rich environments.
The children are given opportunities for discussions, storytelling, and naming through curriculum materials such as geometric figures, the continents of the Earth, or parts of an insect. The specialized activities in the language curriculum assist in vocabulary development, phonic progression into reading, and development of writing and composition.
Examples of Language activities are:
Spoken Language: Sound games, Sandpaper letters, acting out stories, vocabulary exercises.
Written Language: Moveable alphabet, making booklets, writing stories.
Reading: Decoding phonetic words, blends, and sight words for mechanical and fluid reading.
Exploring the function of words in a sentence as preparation for gram.

Math Curriculum
The Math Curriculum begins with activities to teach sequence, symbol recognition, and quantity of the numbers one through ten. The curriculum progresses through the four math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and the memorization of tables. The children explore mathematical relationships, such as the squaring and cubing of numbers and fractions, by manipulating concrete materials that are designed to isolate each concept and prepare the mind for abstract mathematical reasoning.
Quantities and symbols of numbers to ten | Decimal system: four categories
Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing in four categories
Squaring and cubing of numbers one to ten | Mastery of math facts in +,-,X
Cultural Curriculum
The cultural curriculum, which includes art, music, science, and geography, are integrated into the Primary child's day. Through exploring the natural world, the children begin to develop an understanding and appreciation of the physical and cultural nature of the Earth and its diverse populations. Examples of Cultural activities are: • Political maps of all continents • Flags of the world • Experiencing art and music from around the world. • Cooking food and having cultural celebrations from around the world.
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